Holiday Gift Guide:V Tech V motion system

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Here are some great tips from V Tech Voices:

Get organized. Bins marked for ornaments and decorations make things easy to find, so more time can be spent enjoying decorating.

Be thrifty and creative. Spend time with your kids making homemade decorations and teachers gifts.

Let the kids help. Bake cookies, wrap presents and make holiday cards together. The kids are kept busy and get a sense of accomplishment and pride for helping the parents out

Get in the holiday spirit. Think about how to be your best from the moment you get up, almost like a mantra you’d use in yoga, to tackle your holiday “to-do’s” calmly.

Take advantage of online shopping. Avoid the stress of the mall by shopping online. Great for relatives who live out-of-state, the convenience of direct shipping is priceless.

I got to work with V Tech recently and they sent a V Motion active learning system.

From site: Put your child in motion while driving home lessons in math, reading, science, spelling and more with V.Smile Motion™ TV Learning System! V.Smile Motion™ is a breakthrough gaming console that combines wireless, motion-activated play, web connectivity and educational gaming into a system that plugs directly into your TV!

Plus they have some of the best games for it your kids will love including Cars, Tinkerbell, Dora, Monsters Vs. Aliens, Winnie the Pooh and more.

****This is so much fun and gets your kids up and moving.  The game is very easy to ise and great for preschoolers. I went out and got Monsters vs. Aliens, Cars, and Tinkerbell. My children enjoyed this system so much, and it is so much more child friendly then my Playstation.  What I really love about this system is it gets your child up and moving rather than sitting on the couch. 

Retail:$59.99 on sale for $36.00 on V Tech Kids Website

Games: $24.99


Disclosure: I did recieve this product free of charge from V Tech Kids in exchange for my review.

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