Great Holiday movie: The Velveteen Rabbit Review

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Product Description:One of the most beloved family tales of all time returns in this enchanting combination of live-action drama and animated adventure. The Velveteen Rabbit tells the story of a boy name Toby who has to stay with his grandmother while his father is away during the holidays. While he is there he discovers her magic attic, where three forgotten toys including a stuffed rabbit, unlock an imaginative world that will change all their lives forever.

****I have never seen this movie or read the book. This movie really is incredible.  when he is sent to live with his grandmother she is very uptight and distant but the longer Toby stays the more fun the grandmother becomes.   It’s really very sad and just like many stories. Father is always gone and never around, son gets his heart-broken, and turns to his animals for friendship. This is truly a great story, and we really enjoyed it. 

Release date: October 6, 2009


Running time:88 minutes

Rating: 10

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this review. I did receive a product at no cost to me to facilitate my review.

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