Meno A Nostalgically modern Space Elf Review (Giveaway)CLOSED

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I was able to share with my Children The new Meno series books.

This six-book series about Meno, a nostalgically modern space-elf and his out-of-this-world adventures, by award winning author/illustrator Tony DiTerlizzi and his wife Angela, will have kids and parents excited for each and every adventure.  Each story is told with bright illustrations in nonsensical language, as if it were translated from Meno’s Alien language into English. As childlike as they are sweet, these stories find humor in the simplest places, and are a delight to readers both young and old.  

Book #1- Parents and Preschoolers get to find out what brings Meno big fun!

Book #2 Meno and Yamagoo decide they want a “friend trio” and, thanks to their wish-granting friend Wishi, get some out-of-the-ordinary choices along the way.

**** These books have bright and colorful pictures, perfect for any preschooler. There is just one thing I don’t like about these books. They really don’t make sense. They do in a way, but the the english is not complete. I don’t know if thats the right choice of words.

For. Ex: :Meno is friend of space, but Yamagoo miss wet friends.

New friend must be wet and live in happy fun bowl.

my kids still enjoyed  looking at the pictures and my preschooler is pretending to read it over and over again.

I have a prize pack to offer one of my readers:


Meno’s first 2 books, plus a blanket of your choice, Blue with Meno or pink with Wishi.

To enter tell me what blanket you would choose.

Extra entries:

Blog about this-8 entries

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Tweet-4 entries can be done daily for 2 PLEASE ONLY TWEET ONCE A DAY

Follow me on twitter-3 entries

Contest closes 2/14/09 at 12 pm

Disclosure: I did receive a product from the company who is also providing the giveaway.

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