Americas Biggest Bedtime Story (Giveaway) 2/28

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grab your books and pajamas because the nation’s largest annual bedtime story event, America’s Biggest Bedtime Story, is back by popular demand for the third year. BOOK IT! teamed up with children’s author and Golden Globe-winning actor John Lithgow to invite readers to participate in America’s Biggest Bedtime Story by logging on to on Thursday, Feb.18th. starting at 9am through all day.

For this year’s event, Lithgow will share his book, Carnival of the Animals, and if more readers participate in America’s Biggest Bedtime Story than in previous years,
BOOK IT! will donate funds for 50,000 meals to Haiti Relief through the World Food Programme. The magic number was set last year when 197,972 participants watched Lithgow read his book, I Got Two Dogs

To get you in the bedtime story mood I am giving away a PJ prize pack 2 $10 pizza hut gift cards and a copy of John Lithgow’s book Marsupial Sue Presents “The Runaway Pancake.”

To enter tell me your favorite bedtime story? Required

Extra entries:

Subscribe to my feed-8 entries

Blog about this-7 entries

follow me on twitter-6 entries

tell me your favorite pizza-2 entries

tweet-3 entries can be done daily

Disclosure: I will be receiving a gift card and book and the company will also be providing the giveaway

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197 thoughts on “Americas Biggest Bedtime Story (Giveaway) 2/28

  1. My favorite bedtime Story was The Night Before Christmas! I even made my mom read it during the summer!

  2. My favorite pizza is pepperoni and mushroom! (or are we supposed to say what “brand” of pizza is our fave?) 😉
    roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
    entry 1 of 2

  3. My favorite pizza is pepperoni and mushroom! (or are we supposed to say what “brand” of pizza is our fave?) 😉
    roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
    entry 2 of 2

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