Hurray For Huckle DVD Review

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 								Cover Image - Hurray for Huckle!: The Best Outside Fun Ever
There are plenty of mysteries to keep the Busytown friends very busy! Missing playground items, a mysterious note at the Busytown Bank, an empty swimming hole and a flying saucer are only the beginning of the mysteries Huckle and the Busytown friends try to solve with some outdoor fun!
****Growing up I loved to read Richard Scarry books. My favorite characters were Lowly Worm and Huckle Cat, now I can share it with my kids on DVD. They thought the mysteries were so much fun and even pretended on their own. This dvd features 6 mysteries for you and your child to enjoy.  It was nice to be able to Busytown, something I grew up with with my children.
Release date:2/9/2010
Running time:66 minutes
My rating:
Disclosure; I received a review copy through my patnership with N Circle Entertainment.
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