Prima Princessa Presents Swan Lake DVD review

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Product Description: Put your dancing shoes on, and enjoy the show! Prima Princessa features the world-renowned Paris Opera Ballet performing excerpts from Swan Lake, narrated by the adorable Prima Princessa, herself! Between acts Prima Princessa guides you through ballet steps performed by School of American Ballet students so you can become a Prima Princessa ballerina too!

****My daughters were really excited about this movie as they want to be dancers/ballerinas. Watching The Paris Ballet perform Swan Lake was exciting, but the student excerpts were a little fast and confusing. My girls couldn’t keep up with the dvd, which was a little upsetting. It was fun to watch though, and made my daughters even more interested in ballet.


Release date: March 2, 2010

Running time: 40 minutes long

My rating:6

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation, a product was provided through my partnership with N Circle Entertainment.

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