Sid the Science Kid Weather Kid Sid DVD Review and GiveawayCLOSED

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Product Description: Sid s not too happy when rain threatens to squash his play date outside. But the more Sid learns about the rain, the more he understands how important precipitation is. In fact Sid is learning about all kinds of weather patterns and how it affects our world. At school Sid studies the sun and how it lights up our world. At home, Sid s family visits relatives where it s really chilly. Brrrr! It s cold in here… Sid hits the science lab to discover that wind, rain and sun can be fascinating and fun!

****I have really become a fan of Sid the Science Kid. We are a science family, and really like for my children to understand science.  This movie teaches how rain isn’t always a bad thing and can really help the enviroment. You also learn that the weather is different everywhere, and just how strong wind is. Sid the Science Kid is a great way to get kids involved in science!

Retail: $12.99

Release date: May 4, 2010

Running time: 115 minutes

My rating:10

I have one copy of Weather kid Sid to giveaway

To enter: Tell me your favorite weather? sun, rain etc.

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Contest ends 6/12/10

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post. A product was provided by the company who is also providing the giveaway.

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68 thoughts on “Sid the Science Kid Weather Kid Sid DVD Review and GiveawayCLOSED

  1. My favorite weather is early fall or spring when it’s not too warm and you can enjoy a day at the park

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

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