Yo Gabba Gabba Clubhouse Review

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Product description: Get ready to dance and sing — just say the magic words “Yo Gabba Gabba!” Come join Gabbaland characters (Muno, Foofa, Brobee, Toodee, Plex and DJ Lance Rock) as they build an awesome clubhouse; travel through the jungle on a wild adventure; play with some silly animals and enjoy other fun outdoor activities! Featuring musical guests Erykah Badu, The Killers, Jimmy Eat World and more.


  • Clubhouse
  • Adventure
  • Summer
  • Animals

****This is the first Yo Gabba Gabba I was actually really interested in as an adult.   They build a clubhouse, play with animals, and mainly focus on outside play. Which is great encouragement to get kids outside during the summer. They also have great guest stars, my favorite is Jimmy Eat World. This dvd has a lot of great learning skills for kids. We really enjoyed this DVD.


Release date: June 15, 2010

Running time:96 minutes

My rating:9

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post, a product was received from Nickelodeon for my review.

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One thought on “Yo Gabba Gabba Clubhouse Review

  1. It’s nice to see something that focuses on kids getting outside to play! With so many devices and games and all the structured things they do (baseball soccer teams etc) to just play and have fun is something that seems to be lacking.
    Great review!

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