Summer Pool and Playset Safety Tips

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With the weather heating up, everyone is going to the pool. Each year 42,000 people go to the emergency room for pool and say related injurys. Underwriters Laboratories has provided me with some tips to share with my readers about pool safety.

  • If you have a pool at home, install a fenceThe fence should be at least four feet high and have a self-closing, self-latching gate that has a locking mechanism beyond a child’s reach.
  • Cut overhanging tree limbs and remove chairs or ladders from the pool area-to prevent children from climbing over the fence that surrounds the pool.
  • Keep grates and drain covers in good repair and secured in placeAlert your family and guests to stay away from these devices, as the suction from drain outlets can be strong enough to cause entrapment of hair or body parts, which can potentially cause a person to drown.
  • Make sure you know infant and child CPRif you own a pool.
  • Supervision is a must-Follow the 10/20 rule when you’re at the pool. The 10/20 rule states the supervising adult needs to position themselves to be able to scan the pool every 10 seconds, and reach the water within 20 seconds.
  • Always have rescue devices,  such as UL-LISTED life preservers, nearby
  • Flotation devices, toys and inflatable swimming aids are not safety devicesThey are toys and can easily puncture and deflate.
  • Always drain wading pools after children are done playingInfants can drown in just a few inches of water.
  • Have a telephone nearby and appropriate emergency numbers posted.
  • Remove all toys when you leave the poolToys may attract children to the unattended pool.

Another fun activity that kids love to do during the summer is play on playsets, but those can be very dangerous too. Underwriters laboratories is also sharing tips for playset safety.

Before installing your own playset in your backyard make sure your yard is big enough, follow directions,install a protective surface under playset in all directions, In case a child falls.

  • Carefully inspect backyard playground equipmentMake sure equipment is anchored safely in the ground, all equipment pieces are in good working order, S-hooks are entirely closed and bolts are not protruding.
  • Check for spaces that could trap children-such as openings in guard rails or between ladder rungs. These spaces should measure less than 3.5 inches or more than 9 inches.
  • Always supervise children on play set equipmentto make sure they are playing safely.
  • Never attach ropes, jump ropes, clothes lines, pet leashes or cords of any kind to play set equipment. If used improperly, they can be potential strangulation hazards.
  • Watch for potential trip hazards, such as rocks, tree stumps and concrete footings. Make sure you’re children are aware of them as well.
  • Do a sandbox check, Before letting your child dig in, rake through the sand to check for debris or sharp objects. Also, inspect for any animal contamination or insect problems.

I can’t get the video to embed into my post, but here is a fun video (link) of Timon and Pumba promoting water safety

“I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Underwriters Laboratories. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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2 thoughts on “Summer Pool and Playset Safety Tips

  1. Goodness in our state if the first 2 pool conditions arent met I know people who have been sued!I dont have a pool, but our insurance is super strict on pools too- least anything beyond a kiddy pool.

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