The Backyardigans: Operation Elephant Drop Review

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Product description: Go wild with delivery agents Pablo and Tyrone as they try to bring an elephant to a wildlife sanctuary in India.

This DVD contaibs 4 new to DVD episodes

  • Elephant on the Run
  • The Magic Skateboard
  • The Flipper!
  • Super Team Awesome!

****This dvd was exciting at first, but my kids just seemed very uninterested. The backyardigans are becoming kindof predictable, you know what’s going to happen.  The most fun parts for them was the animals, they loved watching the elephant being delivered to India.


Release date: July 13, 2010

Running Time: 95 minutes long

My rating:5

Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post. A product was provided by Nickelodeon for my review.

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