Momma Mealtime Products make eating More Fun

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Mealtime will be so much fun with the new stylish mOmma line of feeding products for infanta and toddlers. mOmma’s ergonomic design features a distinctive roly-poly shape that allows the products to rock back and forth when uncovered, keeping kids entertained and eliminating spills at the same time.

mOmma products are:

  • are designed for infants and toddlers, and their little hands
  • non spill
  • utensils come with a protective case for travel
  • cups stay upright to prevent spilling and keeping the area that touches your childs mouth away from germs.
  • BPA and phthalate free
  • Dishwasher safe

****These are so cute and fun. My son is a little old for the sippy cups but he still enjoyed them, and I didn’t have to worry about any mess. the plate really keeps the food warm and is surprising big, most toddler plates are tiny.  These are really great products, but I would say that they are more for infants then tots.


My rating: 5

  • Disclosure: I did not receive any compensation for this post, products were provided through Team Mom
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