Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Knex Construction Crew Building Set

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Product Description: Build friendly construction vehicles! Includes NEW KID K’NEX blocks plus colorful, chunky KID K’NEX rods & connectors and personality parts like eyes and wheels. When playtime is over, store the parts in the handy storage box for a quick and easy clean-up.

****My kids love Knex, you can let your mind run wild with all the building possibiltys.  With this set you can make little bugs/animals and cars, bug cars! Two of my sons favorite things, he loves this set, and I like that the peices are so easy to put together, and apart. Plus the box becomes a small carry case for easy clean up. This is a great gift for boys or girls.


My rating:8

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was received for this review.

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One thought on “Holiday Gift Guide 2010: Knex Construction Crew Building Set

  1. thanks for the review, I like the kits that come with a carrying case. We have Knex, but not this set, I like the bug eyes on this set.

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