Alice In Wonderland 60th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Review and GiveawayClosed

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Film Synopsis:  Alice In Wonderland is a story about a young girl who grows bored listening to her older sister read aloud from a history book about William I of England. While dozing off, she dreams about falling down a rabbit hole that is populated by a peculiar series of misadventures. The always sensible Alice whirls through a world of contradictions, imagination and surprises where she encounters amazing creatures, including the white rabbit, the Queen of Hearts and her playing card army, a Cheshire Cat with a  lingering smile, and the Madhatter, who test her sensibility and courage. In the end it’s all a dream, she is awakened by her sister’s voice.


Bonus Features:

  • Through the keyhole- A Companion’s Guide to Wonderland – View the movie in this special mode and discover references to the original Lewis Carroll classic – introduced by the voice of Alice, Kathryn Beaumont.
  • Disney View – Watch the movie in this expanded viewing experience with new Disney art in the wings of the screen
  •  Painting the Roses Red game – Help paint the roses red in the Queen’s garden. Careful, or someone could lose their head
  • Walt Disney color TV introduction (1959) – A never-before-seen color TV intro by Walt
  •  Reference Footage: Alice and the Doorknob – Kathryn Beaumont provides an introduction to this newly discovered reference footage of Alice talking to the doorknob
  • Pencil Test: Alice Shrinks – Kathryn Beaumont introduces a newly discovered pencil test of Alice shrinking
  • Reflections on Alice
  •  Operation Wonderland (now in hi-def)
  •  “I’m Odd” newly discovered Cheshire Cat song and intro
  •  Thru the Mirror Mickey Mouse animated short (now in hi-def)
  •  One-hour in Wonderland
  •  An Alice Comedy: Alice’s Wonderland
  • Original theatrical trailers (1951 & 1974)
  • Art Gallery (new designs and images)
  • The Fred Waring Show (Excerpt)
  • Deleted Scenes


**** I haven’t seen this version of Alice in Wonderland in a very long time, in fact my children have never seen this version. My kids are used to Tim Burton’s version, so when I showed them this movie they got really excited and said “Alice in Wonderland when she was a little girl”. Our favorite characters were the White Rabbit and the Madhatter, they are so funny.  We really enjoyed watching this movie and my son now prefers this movie over Time Burton’s version. He said it’s not as scary.  The extras are always fun to watch. We always get a laugh out of the deleted scenes, and the pencil test was very interesting. This is a great classic to watch with the family.

Release Date: February 1, 2011

Running Time: 75 minutes

Retail: $39.99 But you can find on Amazon for $27.99

My rating:9

I have one Blu-ray/DVD Combo pack of Alice in Wonderland to giveaway.

US only

To enter tell me your favorite character?

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Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, Product and Giveaway were provided by Disney.

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141 thoughts on “Alice In Wonderland 60th Anniversary Edition Blu-ray Review and GiveawayClosed

  1. I always loved Alice! I used to want to be just like her and even had a blue dress, white tights, Mary Janes, and wore my blond hair back with a black headband…I just needed the white apron!

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