Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 GiveawayClosed

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Everybody’s favorite talking Chihuahuas are back! The newlywed Chihuahua parents, Papi (voiced by George Lopez) and Chloe, are surrounded by their playful puppies. When they find out their human owners are in trouble they will stop at nothing to help them out and find themselves on a heroic adventure.  The combo pack includes the “This is My Paradise” music video, Blooper Faux Paws, an interactive game and much more! 

You can see a sneak peek here

I have 2 Blu-ray/dvd combo packs to giveaway

to enter: Tell me your favorite kind of dog?

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Disclosure: No compensation or product was received, giveaway is being provided by Disney.

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110 thoughts on “Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 GiveawayClosed

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 Giveaway2/4 « No Time Mommy NY Mom Blogger --
  2. Favorite dog is a toss up between Chihuahua and Yorkie since I have both!! I can’t choose!

  3. Pingback: Tweets that mention Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 Giveaway2/4 « No Time Mommy NY Mom Blogger --

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