Wubbzy Be Mine DVD GiveawayClosed

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Description: Wubbzy Be Mine is an irresistible compilation of three episodes featuring the series’ well-loved characters, Wubbzy, Widget, Walden and Daizy.  In “Mr. Valentine,” Wuzzleburg’s trusty mailman falls ill on Valentine’s Day and Wubbzy steps in to deliver all the valentines, but he soon discovers there are none for him….  To Wubbzy’s surprise, his pals personally deliver his valentines, saving the best for last!  In “Cupid’s Helper,” Cupid pays a visit to Wuzzleburg, but loses his prized bubble-blower.  When Wubbzy finds it, he starts blowing bubbles bringing together some of Wuzzleburg’s oddest couples.  And, in “My Speedy Valentine,” the third love-filled episode on the new release, Wubbzy and his pals try to find the fastest way ever to make their own valentines, but something keeps bugging Walden.

Also the winner will receive a package of Wubbzy Valentine Hearts

To enter: Tell me who your favorite character is?

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Contest ends 2/14/11

Disclosure: No compensation or product was received. Giveaway is being supplied by company. All opinions are my own.

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