Dinosaur Train: Make A Match Game GiveawayClosed

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Description :Buddy and his friends sharpen children’s memory skills in this special matching game that features a Buddy figure! To begin play, 48 game cards featuring favorite Dinosaurs from Dinosaur Train are shuffled and laid face down in 6 rows of 8 cards each. Players take turns turning over any two cards—so all players can see them—to find a matching pair. The game features “Take Buddy” cards, “Wild Cards” and “Lose a Pair” cards to add to the excitement. Players count their matching card sets at the end and add extra points for the player holding Buddy to determine who wins.

This game retails for $9.99 at Toys R Us

PBS kids also has fun Valentines day cards you can download for your little ones here.

I have one copy of the Dinosaur Train match game to giveaway.

To enter tell me who you would give this to?

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Contest ends 3/5/11

Disclosure: No compensation of any kind was received. Giveaway is being sponsored by representing company or PR firm. All opinions are my own.

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