Behavior And Chore Charts At

0 Flares 0 Flares × is a website where you create your own Goal chart. That’s not all though you can make a behavior chart, chore chart, or even a to do list.

They have lots of different themes and categories for the charts, it makes it so much fun for the kids.

I decided to make a chore/behavior chart for my kids to follow. Which I hope they can stick to, because they haven’t behaved lately.

Here is a preview of mine.

***I couldn’t capture the whole chart, but I really like their graphics for the charts. They have tons of headers to choose from for your child favorite. I chose rocker girl, purple butterflies, and a fire truck. Then you have the chore or behavior you would like to add. When a chore is completed you just click on the circle to give a check mark, and tons of different stickers pop up for your child to choose from.   Then at the end of the day or week you can write down what prize or amount of money they’ve earned.

I have been using the chart for a few days now and my kids have been a little better about following it. They do all the chores on the list no problem, it’s the behavior part they have trouble with. They are all under the age of 6 though, so that’s to be expected. I think this is a lot of fun and its a good way to teach your kids that when they do listen and show them that when they do, a reward will follow.

This is 100% free, so go check it out

Disclosure: I received compensation for my honest opinions about through Mom Select.

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