Strawberry Shortcake Puttin On The Glitz DVD GiveawayClosed

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Fabulous new fashions, sparkling musical ‘Glamicures’ and delightful new ‘Do’s’ have Strawberry and her friends ‘Puttin’ on the Glitz’! But, all that dazzles quickly unravels with misunderstanding… until the girls find creative and kind ways to be honest with their feelings… and with their friends. It’s heart-to-heart makeover magic… as the girls learn that nothing looks as beautiful as friendship feels!

Strawberry is any little girls best friend, I know my girls love her!

I have 1 copy of Strawberry Shortcake Puttin On the glitz to giveaway?

To enter tell me who your favorite Strawberry shortcake friend is?

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Tweet about this-2 entries  Can be done daily

Giveaway ends 4/14/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received, a product is being provided by Pr company who is also providing the giveaway.

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