Help The March Of Dimes Through Facebook

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You can Help the March Of Dimes just by posting a badge on your facebook wall.

Every March for the past ten years, Hess has sponsored an in-store fundraising campaign to raise awareness and donations to help the March of Dimes give babies a healthy start. This year through its Hess Express Facebook page, Hess will donate $1 for each fan who shares the March of Dimes badge on their own Facebook page, with a $25,000 donation goal for this online campaign component.  This is in addition to the in-store Hess fundraising effort, which runs through the end of March.

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3 thoughts on “Help The March Of Dimes Through Facebook

  1. How much easier can it get to doneate? I see alot of companies foing it with facebook & twiiter- what a wonderful world we live in when a donation is made so easily!

  2. You all are a bunch of lying scammers. March of Dimes is not involved in these types of “Fundraising” scams.
    That is not THE March of Dimes logo- nor how they roll.
    Shame on you low life thieves.

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