The Garfield Show: Private Eye Ventures DVD GiveawayClosed

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Follow the clues and get ready for fun-filled adventures with The Garfield Show: Private Eye Ventures. You’ll be on the case with Jon, Odie and your favorite orange feline as he meanders from one caper to the next, investigating talking lasagna, under-cover kitties, time travel and the most important mystery of all: what time is dinner?

This dvd hits store shelves on April 12, 2011

Episodes include

  • Pasta Wars
  • Agent X
  • Freaky Monday
  • Curse of the were-Dog
  • Curse of the Cat People
  • Time Twist

This dvd also includes Garfield Shorts.

***My kids have started liking Garfield since my husband introduced them to the comic strip. This dvd is full of funny episodes like talking pasts, and lying cats. None of these episodes are new though we have seen them all through Netflix Streaming. My kids favorite episode has to be Pasta Wars. It’s Garfields birthday and Jon has forgot to make him a birthday lasagne. When he finally does he does not make enough. Garfield starts dreaming about talking lasagne and becomes afraid to eat anymore. We enjoyed thjis dvd

I have 1 dvd to giveaway

To enter: Tell me who you like more Garfield or John?

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Contest ends 4/23/11

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product is being provided by the company.

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