Great Easter Gifts: Go Go My Walkin Pup

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From neighborhood strolls to playing in the park, there’s nowhere your loveable puppy doesn’t want to walk with you! While you two are out exploring together, he’ll make barking sounds and wag his tail to show you how much he’s enjoying his walk.

This is the perfect alternative for those that want a dog but no mess to clean up. My daughter has wanted a dog for a long time, but my husband is against it. He doesn’t like the mess or noise. Go Go walks, barks, is cute and cuddly, just like a real dog.   I was a little worried, I read reviews online and a few people had said that after a few days the dog stops working. We have been playing with it for days and it still works great. We have not tried it outside yet though, the weather has been bad.All  Three of my kids love it. Now this may be too big to fit in an  Easter basket, but I’d rather her have one big toy and a few candies then an overload of toys.


  • Fun for kids
  • Actually walks and responds
  • no doggie mess to clean up


  • Leash is hard to unplug
  • Turns on his own at times

Go Go does not walk well on carpet, dirt, grass and gravel. It has to be tile, hardwood floors or smooth sidewalk.

Retail: $59.99 at Hasbro Toy Shop

My Rating:8

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided by Hasbro. All opinions are my own.

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