Great Gifts For easter: Hatch with Dinosaur Train this Easter Giveaway Closed

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Dinosaur Train offers the perfect Gift for any Easter basket. Hatchers is a great little experiment for your kids. It’s a egg, and you put it in a cup of water, then wait 24-48 hrs and your Dinosaur Train friend will start to hatch.

My kids were really excited to get started on hatching the egg.

The setup was very simple, and it gets the kids excited to see what will happen. On the down side 24-48 hrs seems like a lifetime to my kids.

After 18 hours we saw a head popping out.

After 26 hours most of the dinosaur had hatched, and my kids just pulled it out of the egg.  Buddy the dinosaur is now my sons best friend, he takes it everywhere. The downside is it’s made of and seems like it could fall apart very easily.

I am giving away a Dinosaur Train decorating set.

One of you will win a Dinosaur Train cake decorating set and Dinosaur Train cupcake rings. (pictured above)

To enter: Tell me your favorite thing about Easter?

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Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries

Tweet this giveaway-1 entry (can be done daily)

Contest ends 5/1

Disclosure: No compensation was received, a Hatcher product was provided by Henson who is also providing the giveaway. All opinions are 100% my own.

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121 thoughts on “Great Gifts For easter: Hatch with Dinosaur Train this Easter Giveaway Closed

  1. My favorite part of Easter are the eggs. I love chocolate ones, decorating eggs, and finding eggs. I even adore Jell-o eggs!
    andrea.kruse at gmail dot com

  2. Favorite thing about spring is all of the beautiful flowers blooming and that we get to spend more time outdoors.

  3. my fav thing about easter is, the arts and crafts we get to do with my lil one. as a family we are new to it, and it’s so fun!
    and love the colors of spring/easter time.
    @lovinmomma8 on twitter.

  4. My favorite thing for Easter is taking my daughter to visit the Easter Bunny!

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