Great Gifts For Easter: Princess Celestia

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Princess Celestia is a magical and beautiful pony who rules the kingdom of Equestria. All of the ponies in Ponyville look up to her. Help your Princess Celestia  pony figure rule her kingdom! This beautiful, electronic pony figure has all kinds of things to say to you, like I will light the way! and Lets fly to the castle! When you two are ready to soar, press the button to make her wings light up and move. Comb your princess friends pretty purple and pink ringlets and put in her barrettes to help her majesty always look her best and rule with justice and beauty!

I was first introduced to Princess Celestia at the NY Toy Fair(well besides my daughter seeing the commercials,).

We recently received this and my daughters are so excited. Princess Celestia is so beautiful, she can talk and her wings light up.  You can brush her hair and even design it with the hair accessories included with the pony. My kids were a little disappointed that the wings don’t move constantly. When you push the button on Princess Celestia she talks, lights up and her wings move once all at the same time.

Retail: $19.99

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided by Hasbro. All opinions are 100% my own.

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