Bop It! Review

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Get ready to react fast! Turn on the Bop It game unit and get ready to bop, pull and twist your way to victory. For even more of a challenge, activate the microphone and shout it, too! Choose to play alone or invite your friends for a game of Party Bop-you’ll all have to use your knees, elbows, and hips to win! The better you get, the more skill levels you unlock, so think fast and be the Bop It master!

I have had a lot of fun playing with this toy, at the same time its takes a lot of focus.  You can play the regular version or shout it. I think regular is easier my high score was 25.


Retail: $22.99 but you can find on Amazon for $14.09

My rating: 8

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided for my review.

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One thought on “Bop It! Review

  1. I just saw one of the episodes of the Simpsons and they were playing with one of those in the car driving their parents nuts 🙂
    I think it looks fun-great review!

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