Find The Perfect Outfit For Your Build A Bear

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Build A Bear is one of the greatest places to have your little one make a furry friend of their own.  They have tons of animals to choose from as well as clothes and shoes. Even accessories like purses, hats and furniture.

We love Build A Bear but since the closest one is 45 minutes away, we don’t go that often. My kids have so many bears/animals that don’t have clothes, so this past weekend we decided to take the trip and pick out some clothes.  Since it’s not Christmas time anymore, we were not able to get Rudolph or Clarice clothes.

Build A Bear also has a new line of clothes inspired by Nickelodeon’s Victoria Justice, unfortunately they were all out of Justice inspired clothes.

My kids did find a bunch of cute clothes though for their furry friends.

This cute little dress is $12.50

Ballerina Dress $10.50

This cute boy outfit was actually two separates. Cars 2 tee is $7.00 and shorts are $6.00

Together with bears and clothing, shoes if you would like. It costs around $30-60 dollars.

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received, a gift card was provided for my review.

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