Summer Survival Guide

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School is almost out which means lots of outings with the kids. Hiking, swimming, playing on the playground, kids can always get hurt.

Pediatrician  Dr. Christine Wood, spokesperson for USANA Health Sciences has some great tips to offer parents.

Band-Aid every medicine cabinet needs band-aids, but Dr. Woods suggest Butterfly Band-aids. great for little cuts and waterproof.

Mederma for kids is great to apply to cuts and scrapes that are scarring. Says Dr. wood

Brace yourself for bug bites and bee stings, Dr. Woods suggest using a itch-stopping topical gel like children’s Benadryl anti itch gel. If your child is having a allergic reaction to a bee sting, you can give them Benadryl or look for a product containing Diphenhydramine.

If your child gets motion sickness on those long road trips, Dr . woods suggests Sea Bands over Dramamine.  Sea bands work as an acupuncture bands on the wrists minimizing motion sickness, while Dramamine causes Drowsiness.

For children who experience vomiting and diarrhea, Dr. Woods suggest using USANA Health Sciences Probiotic since it is easily packaged. You can just throw it into something your kids are eating to soothe indigestion symptoms

For small children with colds, Dr. Woods suggest Nosefrida “Snotsucker”. She says the nasal aspirator works great for clearing children’s stuffed noses.


Dr. Christine wood is a practicing pediatrician, an expert in nutritional medicine for children and the author of How To Get Kids To Eat Great And Love it.


To learn more visit for more information.

Disclosure: No Compensation was received for this post, just sharing some great tips.

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