Barbie Princess Charm School Review and giveawayClosed

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Blair Willow, played by Barbie, is an ordinary girl from Gardania who is chosen to attend Princess Charm School to learn princess training. In the school, she makes friends with Hadley and Isla. Dame Devin, one of the teachers, does not like Blair because she looks like the missing Princess Sophia. Dame Devin wants her own daughter, Delancy, to be the royal heir.   Blair and her friends must get the enchanted crown to prove that Blair is the real princess.

**** Barbie movies just get better and better! My kids and I loved this movie, yes that right I am almost 27 and I enjoyed a Barbie movie. LOL!  Blair is taking care of her family when a great opportunity arrises to attend Princess Charm school. While she is there she learns of secrets of the Royal family, the queen and her family were in a car crash but not everyone died (Princess Sophia was abandoned on a doorstep).  While searching the castle they discover a portrait of Blair, but they discover it is actually queen Isabella at ahe 18. They look so much alike! With the help of her friends and even someone who doesn’t really like her. They find the magic crown and learn Blair is the true princess.

This movie is a little like Barbie and the Island Princess, a little of the same plot. It was still good, my daughter had mentioned that it’s not as funny as the other Barbie movies.

We also received two dolls from the new movie. Blair doll does three outfit changes, you can clip on her school top, make her dress short for a party dress, then turn her dress into a ball gown.

The Delancy doll Features a beautiful purple gown with matching purse, neckalace and Tiara.

(Just a note Thats a ring pop in my sons mouth, not a paci.)

My girls loved the dolls, these were the only pictures I could get before they hid from me.

I have 1 Barbie Princess Charm school dvd and doll to giveaway to one US reader

To enter: Tell me your favorite Barbie movie so far?

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Contest closes on 10/15/11

Release date: This movie will be released on September 13, 2011

Retail:$19.98 but you can find Barbie: Princess Charm School
on Amazon for $14.99

Disclosure: no compensation was received, a screener copy along with dolls were provided for my review. All thoughts are my own.

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42 thoughts on “Barbie Princess Charm School Review and giveawayClosed

  1. hmm lets see my little girl loves barbie movies so i watch alot of them.. I think Mermaidia is my fav…


  2. Hi! I came across this blog looking for Barbie Princess Charm School Ideas. My daughter is dying to be Blair for halloween! We have the DVD already (bought it as SOON as it came out! True Barbie DVD fans right here!) but we haven’t gotten the doll yet! I’d LOVE to win her one! She is 4 years old and has seen EVERY Barbie movie I have been able to find at walmart! She falls in love with them and watches them every day pretty much until I get her a new one! I am thinking that Barbie and a Mermaid Tale might still be my personal fave! But I do like how they are improving them more and more with each new one!

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