Back To School With Disney’s Shake It Up

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Disney is back with another addition to the D-signed clothing line, this time they are featuring outfits from the show Shake It Up.

The CeCe and Rocky collection does not feature the characters face on it like so many other franchises do, instead the designs are influenced by both girls styles. Indie  rock with an urban dance feel, the collection features uber-trendy pieces mixing pattern and fabric, creating a fun and fearless look.  Ultra-cool rebel blacks are punched up with electric green, fuchsia and deep purple. Sequins, grommets and studs accent animal prints  and dark mottled tie dye to bring together  a perfect, dance-ready look!

We received the 2-fer striped short sleeve boxer tee in Multicolor for review.  I was a little uncomfortable at first because it’s just not really the type of thing my children wear, layering clothes and short tops. It was very cute though and my daughter loved it! You can wear the tank top as a regular shirt or add the short top over it for a layering effect.  It;s very light weight, so it won’t be to hot in the summer. We also received a pink Sequin pattern scarf with glitter, my daughter instantly fell in love with the scarf. The pink scarf is covered in glitter and is a great accessory to any outfit.

available now only at Target Stores  and online at in sizes 4-16

You can get the 2-fer at Target for $16.99 and the scarf for$9.99

Disclosure: No formal compensation was received, products were provided by Disney. All thoughts are 100% my own.




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