Share a smile with Build A Bear

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When I was a little girl I had a stuffed animal that I loved, it wasn’t a teddy bear but more of a bunny. It was my mothers and she handed it down to me, I called it nitey nite and it glowed in the dark. I slept with it every night until I was 19 (seriously). After I had kids I handed it down to my daughter, he loves it.

Just thinking about how a stuffed aimal or bear can make a child feel so special is a great feeling and that is why I love Build A Bear. Right now there is so much going on in the world that every child needs a smile and you can share your smile at

Build a bear sent me 2 bears one to keep so my kids will smile and another to make someone else smile.  I chose to send the other in the mail to family. I haven’t seen my niece in 6 years and decided that sending her a bear would be a smile for both of us, since I haven’t seen her in forever.

I just sent it, so I am still waiting for pics to come back with her holding it. I will update when I have them.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, product was provided by the company.

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