Quest For Zhu DVD Review and Giveaway Closed

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The heartwarming tale of four lively young teens (who just happen to be hamsters) on a quest to find the Palace of Zhu, where they believe all their dreams will come true. Join the feisty and lovable Pipsqueak as she gets swept away to the other side of the Zhuniverse. On her adventure, she befriends Chunk, Num Nums and Mr. Squiggles, and when they arrive at the Palace of Zhu, they realize it is just the beginning of their remarkable journey. A mean-spirited and controlling reptilian creature, Mezhula, tries to stand in the way of making all of their dreams come true but, by working together, our true Zhu heroes save the day! Pipsqueak realizes she already had everything she ever dreamed of and all she really wants is to find a way back home.

**** Quest for Zhu was a bit different of a movie than I was expecting. I was expecting a movie that would go along with the Zhu Zhu playlets and such, even though I don’t know where that would go.  After Pipsqueak runs away from her owner she meets up with all the other Zhu Zhu and they head for palace of Zhu. When they arrive they find the palace has been taken over and have a bigger adventure to come and save the palace.

My kids loved this movie and even acted out the parts with their own little Zhu Zhu action figures.

Release date: September 27, 2011

I have 1 copy of Quest For Zhu to giveaway to a lucky US reader

To enter: Tell me your favorite Zhu Zhu Pet?

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Giveaway ends 10/20
Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided by Mom Select who is also providing the giveaway.


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48 thoughts on “Quest For Zhu DVD Review and Giveaway Closed

  1. my favorite is Mr. Squiggles

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

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