Kids have all the fun with Leapfrog

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I was recently able to have a little party with some neighbors, and show off some of the newest and greatest Leapfrog products.

While only half of the people showed up on my guest list (To be expected since Pediculus humans capitis has hit our school). We still had a blast though.

The first product I featured and couldn’t wait to get too.
Tag Reader

I love the tag reader, now that my daughter is in Kindergarten and learning how to read, It’s so helpful. The tag reader is not only reads you the story, It helps with sounds and you can play games with it.

Now the That Reader can also be used with the interactive map.

The Interactive map helps with Learning about the world. The kids knew instantly where we lived by identifying the big picture of the Statue Of Liberty.

Next we talked a little about different books that were available, including books with your favorite characters. I also passed out booklets with coloring sheets and $5 coupons for Leapster games (very rare coupon).

The big reveal of the Leap Pad was exciting for everyone. A lot of the parents complained that their kids loved to use their I Pads and smartphones to play games. This is a great alternative for kids and a lot cheaper than a I pad.

The App the kids most got a kick out of was the Funny Face app. Take a picture, the expand the nose, or forehead. All the kids were just cracking up over that.

A big thank you to Mom Select and Leapfrog for allowing me to show my neighbors all about these exciting products. I think I have enticed some parents to go out and get these products themselves.

visit for more information nd to view the products.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, products were provided for the party.

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One thought on “Kids have all the fun with Leapfrog

  1. What a fun party! I would love to get my hands on those toys for my little guy. I love how educational they are!

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