Need Your Help Again

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Okay the Chevy Voting contest I was in went horrible for me as I was in last place. I just don’t get it, I have over 1000 friends (mainly blog friends)on Facebook and nothing. Anyway I have entered another, This time it is my daughters picture in the Ideeli’s Next Top Mini model. It’s a great opportunity and I would appreciate your help and vote.

Just click this link and vote on Facebook



As usual you can have 4 extra entries into any contest daily if you vote.


Thanks so much

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7 thoughts on “Need Your Help Again

  1. I voted for her – I think you need to get a tweet or post it more on your facebook wall to get support.

    There are so many voting contests that if it isnt in a link and you make it easy for people they just wont vote.

    She is adorable!

    1. Thank you, I have been tweeting and face booking it as much as I can, but some people are just stubborn. LOL

  2. Oh, and if you need tweets- give some of us long time followers a nudge I would be happy to tweet it or help if I can!

  3. Retweeting ya- I dont know if youre FB friends with me, but I have been voting- got it in tweets now too- voting contests are the hardest for sure- gl!!!

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