Chldren’s Book: Dub’s Goes To Washington

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Dick Morris, Bill Clinton’s right hand man and one of the most prominent American political consultants, and his wife Eileen Morris, who together have penned nine NYT best sellers, have newly “unleashed” Dubs Goes to Washington…and Discovers the Greatness of America.  The star of the book is the Morris’ real-life Golden Retriever, Dubs.  As young readers help the furry hero look for his lost tennis ball in the nation’s capital, they discover some of the people, places and events that make America such an exceptional nation.

*** My daughter loved this book, just reading this book she learned so much about Washington. The monuments and what they stand for, From the Lincoln Memorial to the Martin Luther King Memorial.   It’s all through Dubs eyes that make it so exciting.  To me, there are a lot of things going wrong in our country, like the economy, being in so much debt etc. The Washington monuments are all historical and have nothing to do with the here and now, so I think they are still great to visit. We hope to someday visit Washington.

Retail: $9.99 at

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was received for my review.

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