Lowell Milken Center Discovery Award

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My children are still young but it’s important to begin teaching kids about generosity and selflessness at an early age. That’s why I was so entranced by the Lowell Milken Center’s Heroes project which combines two important objectives — honoring heroes and educating young people about those heroes.

The Lowell Milken Center encourages students from throughout the United States to submit research projects which document the lives and deeds of individuals who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to improve the lives and situations of others. Some of the heroes have actually endangered their own lives to save others, such as Irena Sendler who saved hundreds of Jewish children in Nazi-occupied Poland and was tortured and threatened with death by the Nazis for her actions. Others promoted civil rights in adverse circumstances, promoted safety, became war heroes or were nominated because they followed their conscience and faced consequences when they didn’t go to war.

As a mother, I am pleased because, not only does the Lowell Milken Center honor these heroes, but they do it in a way that promotes education and brings young people into the process of nominating and honoring these people.

The Lowell Milken Discovery Project allows young students from fourth through twelfth grades to nominate a hero and then chronicle the individual’s story through careful investigation. The process of researching is, itself,an entire educational undertaking which teaches the students the proper methodology necessary for first-class research.  The demands are rigorous –a process paper, an annotated bibliography, primary sources and examples of the ways that the person continues to inspire and serve as a role model.

The Lowell Milken Center offers $10,000 for the first prize as well as additional prizes donated by the Center’s founder Lowell Milken. The project inspires me as a way to promote values while supporting American students who produce high-quality work. The project says to our kids “you can do it!”

On all levels, this is an amazing project and I look forward to the day when I will be encouraging my own children to get involved.

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One thought on “Lowell Milken Center Discovery Award

  1. I like any program like this that encourages kids to look at what other often ordinary people have done in different situations. It also encourages them to see ‘heroes’ in a different light when they research backgrounds and what it took them to get where they are.

    Great post-ty!

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