Pampers Changes It’s Look For 2012 Olympics GiveawayClosed

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Pampers has partnered with 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist and team USA hopeful Keri Walsh, to help introduce Pampers Limited Edition USA diapers. They will hit the shelves in mid-April just as Pampers launches a new Facebook sweepstakes.

From now through May 19 you can enter to win a family trip to the 2012 London Olympics through the Pampers Facebook “Team USA Sweeps” tab.  The grand prize winner will also get to meet Keri Walsh at the first ever Pampers Playground event at the 2012 Olympics.  You can also enter to win weekly winners you will receive a months supply of diapers and wipes.


Now for the giveaway:

I am giving away pack of Pampers USA diapers Economy pack ($50) in size 3 and wipes (72 count) 2 winners

To enter: Tell me what you love about the Pampers brand? That simple

Extra Entries:

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Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-4 entries unlimited

Enter any of my other giveaways-3 entries

Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)

post this giveaway on Facebook-1 entry (can be done daily)

Contest ends May 18, 2012

Disclosure: No compensation was received at all for this post, Giveaway is being held and delivered by Pampers.


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386 thoughts on “Pampers Changes It’s Look For 2012 Olympics GiveawayClosed

  1. my baby is due in sept- so any size will work for me- the smallest is fine
    tcogbill at live dot com

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