Fijit Newbies Blog Tour

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Mattel came out with Fijit Friends a few years ago, and they looked like so much fun. My kids have always wanted them, but we wanted to wait until the price came down.

Mattel newly introduced the Fijit Newbies, which are like fijit babies. While they don’t do as much as a Fijit Friend, they are sell fun.

We received Fijit Friend Sage, and Fijit Newbies Melodee, and Mila

The newbies mainly just play a song and when you put 2 together they can do a duet. which my kids loved the most because they could play and sing with them. Each Fijit has a chirp feature program. When you get your newbie to chirp, your Fijit Friend will respond and say what’s up, then dance to your newbies song.

The Fijit newbies only have a few features but they are fun to play with and have a low price, compared to the Fijit Friend.

Retail: Fijit Newbie retails for $14.99


Disclosure: “I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Mattel and received two Fijit Friends Newbies and one Fijit Friends to facilitate my review.”

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