Get Your Kids Reading This Summer With Scholastic

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Scholastic has launched a online tracker for logging your reading minutes.  Kids everywhere will Read for the World Record by logging the minutes they spend reading this summer and attempting to beat the current world record of 64,213,141 minutes set during summer 2011. The 20 schools whose students log the most minutes will be recognized in the 2013 Scholastic Book of World Records. The Scholastic Summer Challenge kicks-off today and runs through August 31, 2012.

You can also download Scholastic’s free e-reading app Storia.  Storia is a FREE eReading app specifically designed to support kids’ reading, and also help parents monitor kids’ reading progress. Storia comes with FIVE FREE eBooks, and offers access to a wide variety of age-appropriate titles for children from toddler to teen. The selections are carefully curated to offer a range of children’s digital picture, chapter and interactive ebooks on a variety of topics and reading levels that are presented in a way that is true to the original print versions. A selection of Storia eBooks are enriched with fun, educational activities including vocabulary games, comprehension activities and fun video content as a reward when kids finish the book.

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