Little Mommy Princess And The Potty Doll

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Mattel’s Little Mommy line has come out with new dolls and products.  The Little Mommy Line features products from 3 of the most important events in a baby’s life, feeding, bathing and sleeping.

I was invited but could not attend an event in NYC all about the new line, and thought I would share some photos and highlights. Rosie Pope was there offering parenting and play tips.

Even though I did not attend the event, Mattel sent me a Little Mommy Doll. I received the Little Mommy Princess and the Potty Doll. I was a little grossed out at first, a doll that poops in the potty was just something I was not into. My daughters loved the thought of it. They made the doll sit on the potty every 5 minutes.

No Time Mommy


No Time Mommy

The doll does not speak herself, unless she is sitting on the potty or you flush the toilet by itself.  She comes with a hand sanitizer jar, and a sippy cup, but no worries the doll doesn’t really drink so no mess to clean up.

I think this would be a great toy for any little girl potty training. My daughter made a little video of her using the potty (the doll).

When you sit the doll on the potty, she sings and the potty actually makes sounds of poop dropping in the toilet. LOL! Away from the potty, she is still a cute little princess doll to play with. My daughter has reserved a spot on her bed for her new doll.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, a product was provided for mt review. All opinions are my own.

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One thought on “Little Mommy Princess And The Potty Doll

  1. That is hilarious that it makes a dropping sound for the poop! OMG! Hope she enjoys her new doll.

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