New York Aquarium Opens A New Summer Exhibit

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The New York Aquarium opened a new exhibit just for the summer. The exhibit is called A-MAZE-ING Water.

The exhibit will feature “Water’s Extreme Journey”, where you will travel through a 1,500 square-foot maze. You will learn about environmental threats that plague our waterways, along their way to an ocean themed destination.

There will be activities on a daily basis for children at the exhibit. like a zipline, water cycle puzzles and so much more.

The exhibit runs through September 9, 2012

To learn more and get 10% off your tickets visit here.

Disclosure: Our Blog is participating in a sponsored ambassador program from the Bronx Zoo/NY Aquarium. As part of this program, I have received paid advertising compensation, a premium family membership, and merchandise for placement of digital advertisements and specific postings related to the program.

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