Go to Your Happy place With Haribo GiveawayClosed

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My life can get pretty crazy and hectic, after all  I have 3 kids ll under the age of 8. I have help from my husband but that is only around bedtime, so it’s pretty much all me. At times I have to go hide in my happy place, just to breath and relax.

I found my happy place to be either outside or just hiding in the bathroom, there are not many places to go without my kids following me.

Now finding  happy place in my head to escape to, that is a different story and a much better place. I would escape to……….

The Highlands of Scotland! My family is from Scotland and I would love to go one day.

We love Haribo Gummy Bears they are so delicious and always put us in a good mood.

With Haribo (the best gummy bears in the world) Everywhere is a happy place.  They want you to find your happy place, so I am doing a giveaway.

I am giving 2 winners each 4 vouchers for free Haribo Gummy Bears.

To enter: Tell me your favorite flavor?

Extra entries:

  • Subscribe to my feed-8 entries
  • grab my button-7 entries
  • blog about this giveaway-6 entries
  • Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post-5 entries
  • Follow me on twitter-4 entries
  • Like HariboUSA on Facebook-4 entries
  • like my page on Facebook-3 entries
  • Tweet this giveaway-2 entries (can be done daily)
  • Share on Facebook-1 entry (can be done daily)

Contest closes on 8/16/12

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post, coupons were provided for the product as well as a giveaway.

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