Oraline Sanitizing system week 3

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The Oraline sanitizing system and toothbrushes are still going strong in my house. Actually my kids are asking me to buy more of the brushes and toothpaste when we run out. I am actually a big fan of the toothpaste, it’s the only toothpaste I can get my 6 year old to use.

I have been using the Oraline Sanitizing system every other day to sanitize my kids toothbrushes.  I am really big on germs and try to keep the bathroom as clean as I can, but with 3 small kids thats impossible. The Sanitizer helps my kids toothbrushes stay clean and  them happy and healthy.

Oraline’s Sanitizer uses UV light and a drying fan to eliminate 99% of germs.

My son is starting preschool and will be bringing his own toothbrush, so i will be sanitizing it constantly. There are so many germs in school.

Don’t let the germ monster get your child sick, the Oraline sanitizer is the key.

Disclosure: This is a compensated post on behalf of Oraline Kids and Maggies Club. All opinions are 100% my own.

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