Fight Cyber Bulling With Build A Bear Workshop

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Cyber bullying, actually any bullying is becoming a big problem. Build A Bear is joining the fight to end cyber bullying.

Build A Bear Workshop  did an interview with their 2012 Huggable Hero on her work as a spokesperson for bullying prevention. I think it’s a great interview and am very proud that she has been so outspoken against this fight.  To read the interview, visit the Build A Bear Workshop Blog.

From now until October 31, you can show your support in the fight against cyber bullying by taking the pledge here.  I just took the pledge and you should too, it said under 200 people took the pledge. That is not enough!!! Please take the pledge.

Build A Bears new brand Ambassador Cody Simpson has made a video about cyber bullying.


Cyber bullying is a serious issue, what will you do to help the fight?

Disclosure: I am a Build A Bear Workshop ambassador and have been compensated for my time. All opinions are my own.

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