Wrap Up of Being A Kotex Mom #KotexMoms

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For these past 6 months, I have been able to be one of Mom Central’s Kotex Moms. My daughter has not yet started her period, but it’s not to far away. It’s actually funny, because I thought I had all the time in the world to explain periods to my daughter. Being a Kotex Mom has made me realize that, it’s better to start early and prepare. Girls are starting as young as 7 years old and  every girl is different.

I’m glad that I had the chance to start my daughter on the talks a year or two early, and get her prepared.  She has been kind of embarrassed about talking in front of her younger brother and sister, since they make fun of everything. So we have been going on little outings by ourself every few weeks to talk.  We missed it this last week, thanks to the Hurricane but I will be talking her out again very soon.

We were even sent a little calendar for her to keep track of periods and all the important things in her life. If she is anything like me though, she will never be able to track it. LOL!

I have become really fond of the Kotex brand over these past months, and just love how they introduced Kotex Tween. They really are the perfect fit and very discreet for girls.  My daughter loved how colorful the packaging is, and even said they could be mistaken for one of her post it notes.  That’s actually really good, because they don’t want it to embarrassed by the pads.

If you are getting ready to have the talk with your daughter, please visit here for some helpful tips and videos.

Disclosure:  I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

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