Holiday Gift Guide: My Little Pony Castle Review

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Celebrate the royal MY LITTLE PONY wedding of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor ponies with the Pony Princess Castle playset. All the excitement of the pony wedding comes alive with this castle playset featuring an elegant staircase, swinging bench, and balcony for the prince and princess, and lots of fun wedding accessories!

*** My daughter is a My Little Pony Fanatic, and as soon as she saw the pony wedding, she was begging for the castle toy.   My daughter was really excited about getting Princess Cadence, and her first boy pony Shining Armor.

The set has a lot of pieces, but is very easy to put together. Only took about 10 minutes. The placing of the stickers is a little tricky as there are so many. The set is beautiful when put together. After a couple times at play when we went to move the castle, it started falling apart. Nothing broke, but it’s a pain having to put it together over and over.

Even after all that it is my daughters favorite toy.

You can pick up the My Little Pony Castle at retailers nationwide or at Hasbro Toy Shop.

Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. All opinions are 100% my own.

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