Holiday Gift Guide: Cabbage Patch Babies

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When my daughters were born, their first Christmas each one of them received a Cabbage Patch Doll with their name. Baby McKenzie and Baby Alexandra, They still have and play with them today.

Now that my son is a little older, he started asking for a ” Baby Patch doll” as he calls them. There is nothing wrong with a boy wanting a doll! Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find any Cabbage patch Babies in the past couple years, until this year. I was invited to Jakks Pacific Toy Fair Preview, and saw the Cabbage Patch babies that would be released this year in August.



When the holidays started getting closer, I started looking for the new Cabbage patch Babies and found them at Target. They had a blonde baby boy with blue dressings with the name Star. I waited to long though and they sold out.

I didn’t know that you could buy dolls on Cabbage Patch Dolls on their website.  You can even name the doll yourself for $3 extra.

I received this doll and am so in love with it. I can’t wait to give it to my son for Christmas.


The Cabbage Patch doll is so cute, it comes with a blanket, bottle, pacifier, and birth certificate. Since I could not find one with the name William, I changed the birth certificate when I ordered. So now his baby has his name William Jack.


Disclosure: No compensation at all was received for this post. All opinions are my own.

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