Learning Monster High The Hard Way

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Monster High was introduced in 2010, but it was only until this last year that my daughter finally became really interested in them.

Now she wants all the Monster High Dolls. Her birthday is a little over a week away and the problem is……

I am learning the hard way about trying to find popular toys. I have been searching everywhere for those hard to find Monster High Dolls, they really are hard to find. My local Target ran out of Deuce Gorgon dolls in less than a hour.

The sad part is most people buy them all up then sell them on Ebay for 3 times what they are worth.
I refuse to send $25 on a doll.

It is really sad to me that people have to do that and can’t leave any of the dolls on shelves for those who want them.

The fight will continue on too, since they release new characters every year. Right now we are trying to find a few dolls for the right price.

We are looking for
Cleo De Nile
Deuce Gorgon
The only main characters we need

Jinafire Long
C.A. Cupid
Caterine Demew

I hate popular toys. sigh

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2 thoughts on “Learning Monster High The Hard Way

  1. I like the Monster High dolls but have to agree with you those ‘popular’ dolls / toys can be horrible to find! I hope you locate them- have you tried onlinee (Target) sometimes you can geet them there or perhaps Amaazon.

  2. My daughter LOVES them. There are a bunch of new ones coming again soon. So prepare to search.

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