Clorox Ick-tionary: This One Is For The Ladies, Dye-Saster

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I am being compensated by The Clorox Company to share a new language about messes for the Clorox Ick-tionary

I have teamed up with Clorox to help create words for their new Icktionary campaign. You can visit for hilarious words and situations that any Clorox product will clean.

I am now on my second word for the Clorox Ick-tionary campaign. It has been a blast putting these words together.

My second word I came up with is one for the ladies. It has to do with coloring your own hair, which I know everyone does at one point or another. The word and definition are:

Dye-Saster- Getting dye all over the bathroom when trying to dye your own hair.

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This has happen to me on numerous occasions, I attempt to dye my own hair and end up getting the dye everywhere. The sad part is I think I am doing fine, I only have the dye on my hair and then when I am done I look around and there is a little on the counter, floor etc.  It can get really bad in my white bathroom.

Since it is permenent hair dye, it doesn’t come out with water and a rag.  Clorox bleach does the job, the wipes and spray have helped get it up and keep my bathroom clean.

Have you ever made a mess with Hair Dye trying to dye your own hair? Visit to find more words and funny scenarios.

On the site:

Learn how to clean the ick, and play games for a chance to win $25 gift card.


  • Clorox products should never be used directly on people.
  • Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner with Bleach and Clorox Disinfecting Wipes should only be used on hard, non-porous surfaces.
  • Always check clothing labels before using Clorox Regular-Bleach or Clorox 2 Stain Fighter & Color Booster.

Disclosure: This is a compensated post for a campaign with Clorox.

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