Cabbage Patch Celebrates It’s 30th Birthday

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Cabbage Patch just celebrated their 30th birthday a few days ago, and my family and I were able to celebrate with the brand.


They had so many Cabbage patch Kids and babies on display. They had Cabbage patch kids from the first year in 1983 through 2013. Every special doll made, and even had a time line made.

Cabbage Patch Kids Milestones

One of my favorite dolls displayed was from around the world. Scotland, I really want this doll.
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Some of their newest products are amazing, and they want you to treat your Cabbage Patch as if she were real. They have toys, glasses and hair accessories to design your own cabbage patch to look just like you.


They have so many to choose from. At the event the kids got to adopt their very own Cabbage patch kid and learned out to take care of it, from diaper changing, and taking the adoption oath to playing.


I love how far Cabbage Patch Kids have come, I still remember my first one.

You can adopt your own in store or customize your own online. When you adopt online at Cabbage patch Kids, you can choose your own name and add ons like glasses.


Happy Birthday Cabbage patch


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