Gift Idea: Magic School Bus Dinosaurs LeapPad Game #Scholastic

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Disclosure: No compensation was received for this post. A product was provided by Scholastic. All opinions are my own.


My kids are always playing their Leapfrog Leapster Explorers everyday, they have almost beaten every game we have.   Every time they come out with a new game my kids are begging for it.

There are so many games we still don’t have, but my kids will be adding them all to their holiday lists.

When they came out with The Magic School Bus Oceans for the Leapster, we immediately got it for my daughter. She is really into science and loves The Magic School Bus series. Scholastic has now released The magic School Bus Dinosaurs Leapster/LeapPad game.

This game encourages children to think like scientists as they learn about prehistoric creatures. Kids travel back in time with Ms. Frizzle to the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous time periods, playing six games that teach fundamental life science concepts and hundreds of facts about sixteen prehistoric creatures. The game focuses on using identification, observation and classification skills to teach facts about dinosaur skeletons, their size, survival strategies and the time periods in which they lived. Players also can earn badges for achievements during game play.


Dinosaur Facts
Life Science
Logic and Reasoning
Observation Skills

PicMonkey Collage

This game is recommended for K-4th grade or ages 5-9, but it seemed a little to easy for my 3rd grader. Mrs. Fizzles class as crazy as she is takes the kids back in time, to visit the dinosaurs. You play 4 mini games to unlock a dinosaur. The games are very simple, finding a certain dinosaur and taking pictures, dinosaur puzzle and more. When the puzzles are finished you unlock a dinosaur. The first it showed was a T-Rex, and then Arnold from Mrs. Fizzles class became a T-Rex, it was really funny. You guide him through a maze to eat plant eating dinosaurs. There are 16 dinosaurs to unlock.

You can find The Magic School Bus Dinosaurs at Scholastic or Leapfrog for $24.99

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