Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Big Help DVD GiveawayClosed #BerryBigHelp

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Disclosure: No formal compensation was received for this post. A product was provided for Being a Fox Home Entertainment Insider. A Giveaway is being provided by Fox. All opinions are my own.

Strawberry Shortcake is Back and ready to help all her friends.


It’s time for everyone to help out as best they can in these three delightful Strawberry Shortcake episodes. It’s Strawberry to the rescue in “Babysitter Blues” when the princess asks her to look after a very special Baby Berrykin. Orange and Lemon take on the role of “Fashion Elves” in “A Stitch of Time” to help Raspberry with her fashion design dreams. And there’s no place like home when Orange adopts a bitty fish that turns out to be a homesick tadpole. Join in the sparkly fun as the girls learn that lending a helping hand can be a berry big deal indeed!

DVD special features:

  • Sunshine Music Girls Video
  • Printable coloring pages

Release date: February 18, 2014

Running time: 75 minutes

We love Strawberry Shortcake, she is so fun and is always spreading good messages. Get your kids excited abut the movie with a coloring page.


I am giving away a copy to one lucky No Time Mommy reader

To enter: Tell me your child’s favorite Strawberry Shortcake friend? (Ours is Cherry Jam!)

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Contest ends 3/20/14

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